Colorado PROSPER offers a variety of FREE psychiatry support to health care providers who are managing perinatal patients with behavioral or mental health concerns. This includes consultation programs, training and education and more.
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Our Services
Colorado PROSER offers a variety of FREE psychiatry support to health care providers who are managing perinatal patients with behavioral or mental health concerns.
This includes consultation programs, training and education and more.
Peer to Peer Consultation
Our free consultation service is available to Colorado health care providers who are managing perinatal patients with behavioral or mental health concerns.
Training and Education
At Colorado PROSPER we strive to offer education and training! Check out some training and education opportunities below!
How can we help Pediatric Primary Care Providers?
Answer questions that pediatric providers may have about psychiatric medications in mothers who are breastfeeding.
Access to referrals for caregivers of patients who are struggling with depression, anxiety or other mental health issues in the first year postpartum.
Consultation for integrated behavioral health clinicians in supporting mother and infants postpartum.
Help with implementing screening for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders at well-baby visits for mothers, father and other caregivers. Click HERE to learn more!
Support and resources for pregnant and postpartum adolescent mothers who are seen in pediatric or family practices.