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Newborn Baby

Did You Know?

Perinatal mental health conditions affect 1 in 5 mothers and birthing parents and nearly 1 in 10 fathers experience postpartum depression, increasing to 50% when the mother is also struggling. These conditions can appear at any time during pregnancy or in the first year following childbirth. If you're experiencing changes in your mood, feelings, energy level, or behaviors that are affecting your everyday life, know that you're not alone.

Your own mental health is essential to your overall wellness and to your family's well-being, too.
Taking care of this as soon as possible is critical part to feeling as healthy as possible.

Is your Patient in a crisis?

Get help right now.


If your patient is in an emergency, please call 911 and recommend going to an emergency room or walk-in crisis center. Patients may also contact one of these organizations that provide free, confidential support 24/7.

Didn't see the resource you need? 
Give us a call, let's see if we can help!

1-888-910-0153 (Monday - Friday 9am-5pm)

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