The Need for Equity
Why is Colorado PROSPER Important?
Colorado sees approximately 62,300 live births per year.
About 40% of Colorado counties are identified as maternal care deserts, with many also considered mental health and substance use treatment shortage areas.
34% of deliveries in Colorado are covered by Medicaid.
Of the 40% of Health First Colorado births (Medicaid), birthing parents self-identify as:
29% Latino
5% Black
4.4% Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI)
0.6% American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN)
Maternal death during pregnancy and the first year postpartum are significantly increased for the following groups:
Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. (2023, April). An Analysis of 2020 Health First Colorado Births. HCPF | Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing.
Maps. (2024). Colorado Rural Health Center | Independent, nonprofit, membership-based organization that serves as the State Office of Rural Health. -resource
Maternal Mortality in Colorado, (2016-2020). Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. 2023 March of Dimes Report Card for Colorado (2022, 2023)
Rural Health Information Hub. (2023, November 1). Health and healthcare in frontier areas overview.
Snapshot of rural health. (2024). Colorado Rural Health Center | Independent, nonprofit, membership-based organization that serves as the State Office of Rural Health.